Debunking 5 Common Myths About Personal Injury Lawsuits

After sustaining severe injuries in a Florida accident that was not your fault or that was only partly your fault, you have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit against an at-fault party. However, before filing a personal injury lawsuit, you need to understand several things regarding personal injury lawsuits. In an attempt to find out what there is to know about personal injury lawsuits, you may approach different people. You may also decide to search the internet for information. Unfortunately, not all the information people will share with you is true. Also, not everything that is on the internet is true.
If you have been injured because of another party’s negligence and are considering filing a personal injury lawsuit, it is important that you dispel the myths and get the facts. In a bid to help you, this article debunks five common myths about personal injury lawsuits.
Myth #1: Anyone Can Handle a Personal Injury Lawsuit Without an Attorney’s Help
The truth is that you have better chances of getting the compensation you deserve if you work with an experienced personal injury attorney, especially if you suffered substantial damages after your accident. You have no baseline to determine the value of your case – we do.
Myth #2: Personal Injury Lawsuits are Easy Money
In almost all cases, you will do better hiring an experienced personal injury attorney as opposed to negotiating your claim on your own. There are just too many pitfalls to overcome when handling a case without counsel. A reputable attorney should be honest with you about the prospects of your personal injury case and tell if you if you should handle it by yourself (i.e. low limits and large hospital bills).
Myth #3: There Is No Rush to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit
In Florida, personal injury lawsuits are subject to the statute of limitations. For example, when it comes to car accidents, you have four years from the date of your car crash to file a Florida personal injury lawsuit. So, don’t fall for the myth “there is no rush to file a personal injury lawsuit.” Filing a personal injury lawsuit after the statute of limitations has expired on your case can make you ineligible for compensation.
Myth #4: Most Personal Injury Lawsuits are Frivolous
This is one of the most widespread myths about personal injury lawsuits. Many people believe that individuals who file personal injury lawsuits do so even when they don’t really need to. The truth is that most individuals who file personal injury lawsuits only do so after being denied what they are legally entitled to. Often, people choose to file personal injury lawsuits after they try settling their personal injury cases outside court, only for insurance companies to refuse to pay them what they deserve.
Myth #5: Personal Injury Lawsuits Settle Within Months
How long it takes to settle a personal injury case depends on the specifics of the case. Often, it is impossible to tell exactly how long it will take to settle a personal injury lawsuit. Even when you ask your attorney how long it will take to settle your case, they may not be able to provide any specific timeline. A good personal injury attorney will provide you with timely updates on his/her progress.
Contact the Florida Keys Personal Injury Attorney
If you were injured in an accident because of another party’s negligence, contact a skilled Key West & Marathon car accident attorney at Florida Keys Injury for professional legal guidance. Avoid falling for myths.